Established in November 2003, OCL provides accommodation based support services for adults with mental health needs.


OCL's comprehensive and specialist service includes: users and carer support services, accommodation-based services, Outreach Support Services and Structured Daily Activities. At OCL, we demonstrate positive; effective and proportionate responses to safeguarding concerns, fully involving vulnerable adult, through skilled risk assessment, risk reduction and professional accountability. Omega Community Living (OCL) works with people with mental health needs in Newham. The Beulah Projectshave been designed to create sustainable tenancies for our clients, by providing them with appropriate practical and emotional support. Central to this objective will be working practices that maximise independence, dignity and privacy.


OCL believes that integrated working across the housing, health and social care sectors is essential to maximise the ability of people with mental health needs to live in the community.


Each tenant will have an individual support plan reflecting their different needs, interests and abilities.

The Project will also offer shared facilities, which will offer clients the opportunity to meet their neighbours in a safe and supportive environment. Clients will have the choice of meeting with staff in their own rooms, in a Project Manager office, or in a meeting room.


Staff supports clients to try out new things, such as experiences and activities and give each individual opportunity to meet with people and encourage new friendships. Clients are encouraged to develop and maintain skills to promote their independence.


Clients are encouraged to join in with daily activities including Gardening, Gym Art, Leisure activities, Music, and Keep fit. Staff supports clients to organize celebrations such as individual birthdays and other important events. Clients are supported to plan and take a yearly holiday on your own or with a group of friends. Clients are offered regular trips and the opportunity to use the community for cinema, theatre etc.


© 2016 Omega Community Living